Thursday, June 20, 2013

Laundry Instructional

Yesterday I posted about the Bathroom cleaning instructional.

Today I want to share the how to for Laundry.

Even if Boy doesn't get his own home for years and doesn't have his own washer and dryer until he's 35, he will always have clothes.  He needs to look (and smell) good.  I don't want him to be the kid who brings home ginormous bags of laundry when he visits. 

How to do Laundry

Sort laundry according to color and type of clothes.  Whites, dark colors and reds, medium colored, towels, and jeans.  (towels and jeans can be combined, or alternately jeans can be added to medium or darks according to color if you can't make a full load)

Treat any stains.  Spray stain treatment on the spot and rub in slightly.

Empty pockets. Rules are, money goes to the one doing the laundry.  You find it – you keep it.

Wash dark colors on cold always.  1 cup of detergent in the tub, and ¼ cup of softener in the middle filled the rest of the way with water.

Wash medium colored clothes on cold.  1 cup of detergent in the tub, and ¼ cup of softener in the middle filled the rest of the way with water.

Wash whites on hot.  1 cup of detergent in the tub, and ¼ cup of softener in the middle filled the rest of the way with water.  If necessary add ½ cup of bleach to the load when the water is full.

Wash towels on warm.  1 cup of detergent in the tub, and ¼ cup of softener in the middle filled the rest of the way with water.

Wash jeans on cold.  1 cup of detergent in the tub, and ¼ cup of softener in the middle filled the rest of the way with water.

If clothes are nasty (urine, excess sweat or dirt, or are sour) add ½ cup of color safe bleach to the detergent.

Transfer clothes to the dryer as soon as possible to avoid sour laundry.  Our dryer may need 2 cycles if the load is very full or if the clothes are heavy.

Hang clothes as soon as they are dry to avoid wrinkles.  Hang everyone's clothes together to make putting away simpler.  Hang clothes to be ironed separately so they get ironed before they are put away.

Fold all of the rest of the clothes. Everyone puts away their own clothes, unless you are feeling generous. 

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